Wednesday, September 08, 2010

I Believe In What?

The first three words of the Nicene Creed in English are: "I believe in..." Only one word in Greek -- "Pisteuo"; two in Latin: "Credo in..."

Not just "I believe" -- like "I believe 2 + 2 = 4" or "I believe the sun will rise in the East tomorrow" -- Greek would use "Theoristeo" or "Pestho" for mere intellectual belief.

Instead, we have the word for "visceral belief", "passionate belief" -- a belief that commits one to changing one's life and habits. The older (by 150 or so years) Apostles' Creed, which scholars think was an early 2nd Century Roman "Baptismal Symbolon" (Great & Holy Oath, sworn at Baptism) also begins "Credo in . . ." in Latin.