Friday, December 14, 2012

Newton, Conn. 1st-Person Shooter

Today's (2012-12-14) news is full of gory details and emotional reactions to yet another classroom massacre by a young man with s ninja suit and firearms. He is described by his classmates as "warm", "polite", and "soft-spoken". Where th en did all this rage and murderousness come from? Violent computer games, of course -- DOOM! Duke Nuke'em, and the like. So called "First- Person Shooters" I will be willing to bet that examination of the young man's personal computer sill show several of these "games". It may come as a surprise to those born before 1980, that their kids' Primary Reality is computer games. Most of your lives and interests are, frankly boring to creepy to your kids -- work, politics, TV dramas (though adolescent girls like these). they may share devotion to the US' majority religion -- the National Football league -- but that is just another win-at-any-cost adrenalin pumper. Please don't act surprised when young idiots show what their inner world really looks like. As you sow, so also shall you reap.


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