Monday, September 29, 2008

"Malefactors of Great Wealth"

It has been just about a century since Teddy Roosevelt coined that phrase:

. . . and they're at it again. This time they want thee & me & everybody else to cough up $2,300 or so each, to save their gold-plated behinds from the consequences of their own risky stupidity. As of today (29 Sep 2008), thee & me & everybody else has been telling their Congresscritters exactly what they think of that bit of highway robbery.

For once, Congress seems to be listening, and the House trashed the bill. If they take it up & pass it, it will just verify Mark Twain's cynical remark:

"The U.S. has the best Congress money can buy."

Keep on kickin' your Congressdonkey on the subject.


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