Monday, July 25, 2011

Norse Shooter Boggles Left

I just read CNN's take on the Norwegian shooter's self-designation as a Christian Fundamentalist. I probably shouldn't be surprised at the superficiality and incomprehension of the comments, since CNN is noted for their liberalism and most of the commenters are academics -- generally fellow-travellers of cultural Marxism and "multiculturalism".

Europeans in general fall on a spectrum from non-religious to irreligious, and do not have the experience with religious zanies that we denizens of "Darkest USA" do. From a religious and rhetorical point of view, the Norse shooter falls right in line with the likes of Jim Jones, David Koresh, and the Oklahoma Bomber -- not to mention Fred Phelps and Jack Chick.

The feigned surprised that "true Christianity" can consist of anything but weak-tea sentimentalism and huggy fellowship betrays a lack of understanding of history -- religious and secular. It is lately Politically Correct to blame Christianity for anything and everything, while glorifying any non-European culture or religion.

Historically, Christianity has served as a focus in the defence of European cultures against Mohammedan and Tatar aggression. The 200-or-so-year-long war known as "the Crusades" was started and won by the Mohammedans. Not content with getting rich off Christian tourism to the Holy Land, the Caliph of the Faithful in Egypt decided to rape, loot, and murder them -- jihad in 1000 AD. After brief victories, the Crusades collapsed, and there was not a Christian country in the Middle East from 1300 until the establishment of Lebanon in 1946.

Having grown up Catholic in the 1950s, I can understand the shooter's angst about the disintegration of Western (mostly Christian) values and culture in the Culture Wars of the 60s and later. Not that I agree with his methods -- we will conquer Mohammedanism with the Internet, not the sword. The young people leading the revolutions in Libya and Egypt are the Internet Generation who have seen the benefits of 21st vs. 7th Century culture & technology -- and are reaching for them.

As for the shooter claiming he is a member of the "Knights Templar", the question is WHICH "Knights Templar"? There are dozens of groups by that name -- see Google -- mostly anti-clerical and anti-Roman. The "History" of the Templars since their 14th Century dissolution by the French Monarchy is all highly romantic (i.e. wildly fictional). I predict that the shooter's "Templars" will be found in his own head.

Political and Cultural Marxists just don't have any handle on American-style wackos.

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